Tragic Incident Unfolds: Father Attempts Suicide After Strangling His Two Children

6 months ago
Sri Lanka

A heartbreaking incident has rocked the Periya Neelawani Police area of Ampara District, where a father reportedly attempted suicide after strangling his two children.

The grim event transpired this morning (14th) at a residence located on Pakyatul Salia Road within the Periya Neelawani Muslim Division, leaving the community in shock and disbelief.

Upon arrival at the scene, authorities discovered the lifeless bodies of the two children, covered in blood, indicating the severity of the tragic event.

The father, allegedly responsible for the heinous act, was found with serious injuries and was immediately rushed to Kalmunai Base Hospital for emergency treatment.

Further investigation into the incident has revealed that the children, alleged to be mentally challenged, had tragically lost their mother just five months prior.

Under the leadership of Periyaneelavani Police OIC, Police Inspector JSK Weerasinghe, law enforcement officials have launched a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding the tragedy.